The very use of the word "CONSPIRACY" conjures strong images and emotions in the human mind. The concept that secret combinations
of powerful individuals might seek to compromise our freedom is one that many find uncomfortable to discuss and others impossible to believe.
Yet history is replete with examples of just such corruption, and our own Republic was established with that in mind- "a Republic, if you can
keep it" (Benjamin Franklin, 1787). Evil and misguided men have always existed who wished to enslave others.

Our Constitution had built within it the framework to the end of slavery, and the foundation for personal liberty. That structure has
been and is now being dismantled intentionally. Robert Welch, the founder of The John Birch Society, was adamant about the importance
of recognizing the existence of this conspiracy as a first step in fighting against our loss of freedom.

There is an important axiom of scientific investigation known as the principle of parsimony, also referred to as Ockham's Razor. The principle
operates on the premise that in any given situation, the most simple answer is most often correct. We will apply that principle here.

It should also be noted that many people, ignorant of the proper use of the terminology, have used the phrase "conspiracy theory" in the discussion.
The word "theory", when properly applied, refers to a set of data and assumptions that has been rigorously reviewed and has withstood the test of time.
However, the evidence of a powerful political conspiracy goes well beyond even the credibility of theory, into the realm of demonstrable fact.

An allegory:
Your friend develops a persistent cough and goes to the doctor. Tests are done and the diagnosis is lung cancer. The doctor says,
"We caught it in time and the prognosis is good. We can treat it." The patient offers, "Well, I guess I should have mentioned that
I smoke two packs a day." If the doctor answered, "We don't need to be concerned with the cause, we caught it and it can be
treated, and that's all that matters; go on smoking," how would you respond?

To ignore the cause of our demise is to succumb to it